Trust is a major necessity if you wish to have your relationship from a distance. Without trust and honesty, the relationship is in for danger and unsuccessfulness, just as it would be any other relationship. By accepting the challenge of a long distance relationship, you also accepted the fact that you will have to have the trust and faith that your partner will not be seeing anyone else as promised. Being paranoid and accusing will only grow doubts, insecurity and tension between you and none of those three will help the relationship survive successfully.
Keeping each other informed of the friendships you have with other people and the events that take place in your personal life is a great way to keep your relationship alive and healthy; and continues to make your partner a part of your life. It is essential that you receive the same information from your partner as well, so you both feel the same security and satisfaction that you both crave.
With the right amount of effort and interest on both parts, a long distance relationship can survive the obstacles it will frequently be challenged with. As long as you both refresh your memories of why you chose to do this in the first place, trust each other, inform one another of your personal lives, keep in touch, and visit, your relationship can turn out to be one of the most successful and happy relationships that ever existed. You both will be secure, happy and satisfied until the day comes when you will re-unite for good and build your wonderful future together.
Some says " It doesn't work" and some says " It will work"
Challenging and difficult, though they may not be what we wanna hear, are the words that best describe long distance relationships. Keep in mind however, that the words challenging and difficult are not impossible.
Well, this is my story and I don't know how it happened but I do believe in destiny, serendipity and stuff like that. Lemme call him "Prince", we started out communicating through text when I was in Cebu last September of 2006. Everything has been so complicated that time which I never expected to fall inlove with him. I don't know Prince that much but I have this feeling that he's a nice guy. And I know for the fact that he'll be leaving out of the country soon. It's quite a strange feeling but I really felt so sad, and I don't want him to leave. But I don't have the right to, and it's his big dream. I'm happy for him, though, I will surely missed him.
I was very glad as I received his first message using roaming number, It was a mixed emotions that I can't understand. We started again keeping in touch with each other. November 28 of 2006, he opens up his feelings for me and I'm not stupid to deny that I feel the same way too.
Here comes our Long Distance Relationship, which we both working it out. Believing each other that we can make it and helping one another in good times and in bad times.
Distance cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust, commitment, and LOVE.
I, like you, truly believe that love & relationships are what makes life special, and that ones built on love & understanding are always worth preserving, regardless of the miles that may separate two people.
I LOVE YOU Baby... you know who you are.. mmmwaaaahhh!!!!
long distance does work, depends on how the couple deals with it.. both must exert effort in order for the relationship to survive. One sided love is big NO NO in an LDR. I had been in LDR before and god knows how we get through every monthsary greetings on the phone, love and misses over a text message, and fixing a problem over phone conversation.. haay.. I was with it for 3 years and then it was over.. that seems tough for me and its hard huh! Now, again, I'm in an LDR for a month thats why I wanna go home!!!!!!!! I don't wanna lose my baby.. heheheh...
mwahhhh... nice blog gurl!
To: -criargz-
How sad to know that your 3years LDR ended up, that's part of our human life experiences on how we handle things out but I believe there's really someone meant for you. I wanna share you this quotation, this will apply in all aspects of our life:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened"
Good luck in your new love life, just be who you are..
i don't totally agree with long distance relationships. i mean, i am not saying that its erroneous nor do i have the right to say its truly good. all I'm saying is that it is different when you can see, talk, touch, and maintain that constant visible presence with your loved one. it's so different when you converse with him and see his/her face as compared to merely texting and calling him.
LDR tests trust and loyalty of a couple - one BIG advantage! But it is not an assurance that the level of intimacy will be maintained. there is this tendency that when people grow accustomed to the 'situation'(of being apart, that is) the relationship may become 'lukewarm.'
I had been in a LDR, trust me, it ended like most of the relationships did - END.
and for that matter ... END na pud ako comment...
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